Looking to stay active over the winter? The GRSC invites adults aged 19 and older to join the Club’s winter outdoor recreational co-ed pick-up soccer.
Format: The size and makeup of each team will vary based on weekly participation. Games may range from 3 v 3 to 11 v 11 depending on the number of players present.
Teams: The teams will be created and balanced by players who attend each week.
Player Eligibility:
Schedule: The season runs Sunday afternoons for 12 weeks from Sunday, December 8, 2024 through Sunday, February 23, 2025 weather permitting.
Day/Time/Location: Sunday afternoons on the Glen Rock High School stadium field (artificial turf) from 2-4pm.
Cost: The cost is $40 for the twelve-week season which includes field allocation and all match equipment.
Refund Policy: The GRSC will not refund Adult Winter Pickup Soccer registration fees for any withdrawals, except in extenuating circumstances which will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the GRSC Executive Committee and Adult League Commissioner. No pro-rated refunds will be offered for sessions cancelled due to inclement weather or if snow on the field makes in unplayable.
Player Equipment: Players should bring a light and a dark colored shirt to each game. Players are responsible for shorts, cleats, socks & shin guards. Turf shoes and shin guards are highly recommended.
Rules of Play: The Rules of Play are outlined below. All players are expected to read, understand and follow these Rules.
Questions? Please contact the Adult League Commissioner at adultsoccerleague@glenrocksoccer.org with all questions.